Through collaborative, hands-on experiences in medical instrument limitation, clinical solution proposals, and critical analysis, students will develop qualities and virtues vital for not only a successful career, but for the betterment of society.

Through servant leadership, BMES shall encourage student integrity, provide vocational guidance, and promote student pioneerism.

With our Jesuit institution's core, we aim to unite and promote the future of Biomedical Engineering through an emphasis on health innovation and scientific advancement for the globally underprivileged and neglected.
Meet the Executive Board

Kate Piper
Kate is a junior studying biomedical engineering with a focus on bioelectronics and an electrical engineering minor. One of her goals for BMES is to extend the organization’s influence throughout the university by increasing outreach and providing learning opportunities for our members. As president, Kate organizes all meetings while keeping the club focused on its short and long term goals. Kate aspires to create an environment that inspires students while keeping them connected and active in a virtual setting.

VP of Industry Relations:
Jeremy Limson
Jeremy is a junior studying biomedical engineering with a concentration on biocomputing. One of his goals for BMES is to extend the organization's impact on student ability to contribute through outreach, incite thoughtful conversation, and give general body members a feeling of community via a remote/virtual environment. Jeremy hopes to uphold the success and sense of academic distinction that BMES has accomplished. As VP of Industry Relations, he strives to be able to bridge the gap between industry professionals and students in the classroom. Jeremy aspires to foster the same sense of curiosity and enthusiasm that previous chapters of BMES have instilled in him.

VP of Service:
Willencia Louis-Charles
Willencia Louis-Charles is a senior in Biomechanics. Currently, she is applying for graduate school and hopes to have her PhD in bioengineering within the next couple years. She has worked with Dr. Brian Hoffmann in his lab and studied the effects of the artificial sweetener Acesulfame Potassium on vascular endothelial cells. Willencia is currently the VP of Service. Her duties include setting up volunteer events for our members such as Design Day. This is a day where BMES is able to work with some local high schools on certain engineering projects to foster their talents and promote engineering in their futures. Willencia is very excited to see what we will accomplish this year!

VP of Internal Outreach:
Arsenii Pavlenko
Arsenii is a third-year undergraduate studying biomedical engineering with a focus on bioelectronics and neuroprosthetics. As the VP of Internal outreach, his biggest goal is to give back to the Marquette community by providing BMES members with an opportunity to grow as professionals by learning new skills or strengthening the skills they already learned in class or outside of Marquette. Arsenii believes that becoming more fluent in the technical aspects of our Outreach program like knowing the code that we present in high schools is beneficial not only for our members but also for the high school students because it allows us to explain what we do in a more professional and easily understandable terms, making our events a lot more interesting for the kids who might be intimidated by the engineering filed. He is very excited to work with our members and hopefully show them that they are professionals at what they do. After graduation, Arsenii is hoping to continue his studies in biomedical engineering and get into the neuroprosthetic field.
VP of External Outreach and Treasurer:
Gavin DeGroot
Gavin is a sophomore studying biomedical engineering with a concentration in bioelectronics and a minor in computer engineering. His biggest goal for BMES is to work to establish a virtual outreach program so that BMES can continue to engage and enrich the local community. As VP of External Outreach, Gavin aims to develop programs for students K-12 that expose them to the world of STEM and biomedical engineering, in addition to communicating with local schools to give students the opportunity to engage with these programs and the BMES members that run them. Gavin aspires to contribute to the sense of community that we have within BMES, promoting collaboration between members within the club and beyond.
Meet our Faculty Mentor