Milwaukee Academy of Science Outreach

On Monday, students from BMES went to Milwaukee Academy of Science to work with high school students. Each high school student was paired up with a BMES volunteer, and groups worked together to learn about heart physiology and basic programming with Arduinos. Volunteers taught MAS students how to wire a breadboard, work with code on processing, and collect data with an Arduino and Heart Rate chip. The students were excited to get experience outside the classroom, and learn more about biomedical engineering. They asked a lot of questions and their faces lit up as they took in all the new information we had to offer. A few students were even inspired to look more into following an engineering path of study in the future!

It was just as an enriching experience for the volunteers. Volunteers were able to share their own experience with engineering and learn more about the students they were partnered with as well as develop connections with them. After working through some code and learning about the PQRS waves, students were able to chat and share some laughs over pizza. This was another truly wonderful experience, and we are very grateful for the interested students and staff at MAS, as well as our dedicated volunteers. We are looking forward to continuing to learn and grow together in the future!